32 Black woman throws white and brown women under the bus. Leftists chewing each other out about it. Identity sub-groups eating each other. Gotta see this identity politics FAIL. (archive.is) - SALT - posted 2 months ago by ArmyLady 2 months ago by ArmyLady +32 / -0 9 comments share 9 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Thanks for the transcript.
Message seems to be: We don't care, we are done with you.
OK, but what does that get you? OK black women voted for Harris about 90%, but where does that get you??
Back and still on the dem Plantation is all I can guess.
I don't think they even know what that means...
They're still in the "angered and confused" stage and looking for the lowest hanging fruit to blame...
What they don't yet realize, and possibly never will, is how equally NUTS the color blind version of gullible libtard useful idiot they actually are.
Unified via common insanity ought to be their slogan...