Both Mike Davis and Erik Prince gave a thumbs up to Waltz on War Room this morning. at about 3:59
I’m not going to second guess Trump as I feel he’s on top of everything. I love Treehouse and Sundance but he is pretty full of himself and I often disagree with him, but I do respect his opinion. I also respect Mike Davis and Erik Prince, but in the end the only opinion that counts is DJT.
Both Mike Davis and Erik Prince gave a thumbs up to Waltz on War Room this morning. at about 3:59 I’m not going to second guess Trump as I feel he’s on top of everything. I love Treehouse and Sundance but he is pretty full of himself and I often disagree with him, but I do respect his opinion. I also respect Mike Davis and Erik Prince, but in the end the only opinion that counts is DJT.
When they Thumbs up'ed Waltz, what was Bannon's reaction?
He didn’t really react. Just asked them and let them speak.