Oh, so NOW you see the light, huh? Only after Trump wins IN SPITE OF your leftist propaganda? Hey, LA Times, you and your pals in the other major cities are too little, too late. Your papers are shrinking because nobody is reading your drivel The same goes for your comrades in television. Your fifth column of communists are a bunch of mentally ill hacks that live in a bubble totally divorced from reality. All of you can go pound salt for all we care. The only good your newspapers serve is to line bird cages.
I know of nobody that buys or reads newspapers of any kind much less left wing propaganda. So having them go the way of the buggy whip suits me fine. As for online version, no thanks again. Your reason is sufficient.
As for X, Musk took away the censoring and made it usable again by everyone. That plus it’s meant for mobile use. None of this is comparable to the LA Times or other papers. Musk dealt with the algorithms that were problematic. Algorithms aren’t the problem at the LA Times. An editor telling hard core lefties to be more more balanced is like telling a Doberman to attack more gently and bite less painfully.
Let’s just say, why cut down the Amazon rain forest if you don’t have to? Newspapers in their day were fine. I delivered them when I was young. Sundays were a bitch and my hands were always blue with ink. In bigger cities there were competing papers, usually one was more liberal. Then most places only had one and that one became more and more liberal. Over time readership started declining until now they need life support. They’ve become like telephone booths in a world of cell phones. No longer needed.
Oh, so NOW you see the light, huh? Only after Trump wins IN SPITE OF your leftist propaganda? Hey, LA Times, you and your pals in the other major cities are too little, too late. Your papers are shrinking because nobody is reading your drivel The same goes for your comrades in television. Your fifth column of communists are a bunch of mentally ill hacks that live in a bubble totally divorced from reality. All of you can go pound salt for all we care. The only good your newspapers serve is to line bird cages.
I know of nobody that buys or reads newspapers of any kind much less left wing propaganda. So having them go the way of the buggy whip suits me fine. As for online version, no thanks again. Your reason is sufficient.
As for X, Musk took away the censoring and made it usable again by everyone. That plus it’s meant for mobile use. None of this is comparable to the LA Times or other papers. Musk dealt with the algorithms that were problematic. Algorithms aren’t the problem at the LA Times. An editor telling hard core lefties to be more more balanced is like telling a Doberman to attack more gently and bite less painfully.
Let’s just say, why cut down the Amazon rain forest if you don’t have to? Newspapers in their day were fine. I delivered them when I was young. Sundays were a bitch and my hands were always blue with ink. In bigger cities there were competing papers, usually one was more liberal. Then most places only had one and that one became more and more liberal. Over time readership started declining until now they need life support. They’ve become like telephone booths in a world of cell phones. No longer needed.