Margaret Thatcher on Socialism
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She destroyed the UK with this crusade against socialism.
She took an untried and experimental economic theory as the gospel truth and implemented across the board regardless of any consequences, this hinged on control of the money supply which she found out was not possible. All it did was to raise inflation and make everything more expensive so she blamed inflation for the ills of the country to deflect scrutiny of her policies.
She famously said "There Is No Alternative" TINA. Just to destroy "The Enemy Within" She was a great believer in the trickle down theory so gave millions to the bankers and financiers who promptly sent it all to offshore accounts. She could not for the life of her see why they did not re-invest the money back into the country, not at all, but she still gave them money despite knowing that they would squirrel it away.
She went mad around 1989 and was removed from power.
This is just a pile of hogwash.
I was there, I lived through what went before, leading up to her taking the helm and there were huge parallels with what has just happened in the US.
I was a fucked-in-the-head socialist at the time too, so I can understand this kind of delusional nonsense. Its all just TDS (Thatcher Derangement Syndrome).
Thatcher swept to power as new broom in the Tory party replacing the vile pedo Ted Heath. She stormed into office after the insanity of a Labour Govt who had us queuing for hours to buy petrol. A winter where we had to return to using oil lamps because of rolling power cuts because unions held everyone of us to ransom. Where interest rates and inflation had caused economic chaos. Where productive individuals left the country to escape 90% income tax.
Read that again 90% income tax!
And of course, Thatcher's great crime. She was a Brexit PM before there was a Brexit. She fought against the ridiculous controls being put on British farmers that were being used to subsidised French and Italian farmers.
I too think she was too much of a true believer in Friedman. But it was a million times better for the UK than the insane socialism that had gone before (and we are seeing resurrected in the UK right now).
Sure, she got lots wrong, but she was fighting a war against the union enemy within. The greatest thing she did was emasculating the toxic union movement.
What is wrong with what I posted? This is what happened, she destroyed whole towns with her financial policies and was deeply unpopular, even more so than any one before her. The only thing that saved her from the job centre was the Falklands victory, she admitted this.
You did not experience the way she sliced the country up, you left as she came to power. You did not experience how the rich got richer and the poor went to the wall under her administration, her devil take the hindmost approach to society. Unemployment increased, the poor were blamed for their misfortune and their unemployment money slashed to the bone and as for the chronically ill?
The cost of living increased, as did homelessness as she allowed council homes to be sold to its tenants, these homes were sold on to large tenancy businesses who took advantage of the lax rental building laws and regulations to pull the homes down and build rabbit hutches for families to rent at a punishing price. The VAT regulations allowed for this.
I could go one and on but will leave it there.