Dig deeper Anon. Think Scarlett or Lady-J from Gi Joe. Or Black Widow. She’s put her feet in the right places to see the Cabal’s pool but never jumped in. Plus her military background, education, and training, plus deployments makes her perfect for this. I bet she’s Q trained since she has that interesting psyc-ops background. There is a very clear reason why Trump picked the good Lt. Major from Hawaii. Could other military Patriot Trump Team peeps know all about her? Yes I’m 100% certain they know and even encouraged all she has done in prep for this exact job.😉
I sure hope ur right. Been burned by too many RINOs to not be so trusting right away. Waiting on her actions and hoping she doesn’t disappoint like many others before
Her past associations with wef Soros and the globalist gang make her a questionable choice.
Dig deeper Anon. Think Scarlett or Lady-J from Gi Joe. Or Black Widow. She’s put her feet in the right places to see the Cabal’s pool but never jumped in. Plus her military background, education, and training, plus deployments makes her perfect for this. I bet she’s Q trained since she has that interesting psyc-ops background. There is a very clear reason why Trump picked the good Lt. Major from Hawaii. Could other military Patriot Trump Team peeps know all about her? Yes I’m 100% certain they know and even encouraged all she has done in prep for this exact job.😉
I sure hope ur right. Been burned by too many RINOs to not be so trusting right away. Waiting on her actions and hoping she doesn’t disappoint like many others before