Hmmmm, I've never heard that one anywhere before - that's quite an odd assessment, IMO. Wonder why GEOTUS would be symbolically calling "Biden" a woman by doing his handshake like that? LOL - it's funny to think about anyway! There are many things we could call faux "Biden", but "woman" is not one of them, IMO. Interesting take on the weird handshake though. Thanks for chiming in. :-)
Hmmmm, I've never heard that one anywhere before - that's quite an odd assessment, IMO. Wonder why GEOTUS would be symbolically calling "Biden" a woman by doing his handshake like that? LOL - it's funny to think about anyway! There are many things we could call faux "Biden", but "woman" is not one of them, IMO. Interesting take on the weird handshake though. Thanks for chiming in. :-)
[Maybe/probably] not literally calling him a female, but more-so as an insult.
np :^)
Yes, that makes more sense. ;-)