Deep state or not, it is going to the 6 figure area and possibly 7 figures. It is my retirement, so if it is a deep state creation, then thank you deep state.
I've heard that argument, but the GamesOfTrump NFT that went out of its way to launch on the Bitcoin blockchain with 1717 tokens instead of the more appropriate chains of the time (such as NameCoin, where most NFT's launched) convinced me otherwise.
No one really knows who's behind bitcoin. Could be deep state or it could be the patriots behind Q. Use it for making profits and hope for the best.
Deep state or not, it is going to the 6 figure area and possibly 7 figures. It is my retirement, so if it is a deep state creation, then thank you deep state.
I've heard that argument, but the GamesOfTrump NFT that went out of its way to launch on the Bitcoin blockchain with 1717 tokens instead of the more appropriate chains of the time (such as NameCoin, where most NFT's launched) convinced me otherwise.