If it's Tim Tool, it'll be CiViL wAr!!! He's been crowing about it for years now, to the point where I think he wishes it. Will never trust him as someone who isn't controlled opposition.
This is the camels nose, the first step to the government splitting into two where each side will be claiming to be the legitimate government. Yes, the Democrats are going there.
SHEESH they have had a shadow government for decades, run by the CIA.
long tree... short rope!
for a traitor of course.....
If it's Tim Tool, it'll be CiViL wAr!!! He's been crowing about it for years now, to the point where I think he wishes it. Will never trust him as someone who isn't controlled opposition.
Tim Tool might be better than Tim Fool. thanks mate...
Isn't this openly calling for treason?
Isn't that what Obama and his cronies are already a part of??
This could be the trigger for military action.
This is the camels nose, the first step to the government splitting into two where each side will be claiming to be the legitimate government. Yes, the Democrats are going there.