What would have happened if Trump didn't win?
There are over 800 FEMA prison camps in the United States. Even though they are completely empty, they are all fully staffed. February, 2024.
FEMA’s Billing Code for Death by Guillotine is ICD 9 E 978.
I have heard that Obama ordered thousands of guillotines from France to be installed in the camps. Some camps have crematoriums.
Video: https://x.com/RedpillDrifter/status/1755781174281277798
FEMA - Oops: “We plan to execute 70,000-80,000 people”. https://x.com/matttttt187/status/1843464016225857788
March 16, 2020 - Did FEMA order 102,000 Boxcars With Shackles and Guillotines? Why Are Modern Guillotines On Military Bases Throughout North America?https://jellyfish.news/fema-ordered-102000-boxcars-with-shackles-and-guillotines-why-are-modern-guillotines-on-military-bases-throughout-north-america/
FEMA Concentration Camps in US: https://thegreatcontroversy.info/_Media/4db5a10e184b5543e6fca626497_med.jpeg
EXAMINING FEMA CASKETS: http://dailybuzzlive.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/image15.jpg
Man in FEMA casket: https://arquivoufo.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/caixoes-fema-3.jpg
FEMA caskets are large and can hold multiple bodies: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/t0OQVcC3HX4/hqdefault.jpg
Turn around is fair play. Once we find them 'GUILTY' then we use the guillotine and the huge caskets on them.
Call it new Governmental Efficiency. Why let them go to waste?
Amen. They probably used our tax dollars.
Not probably.
Sorry, my mistake.
They're using OUR TAX DOLLARS to pay for technology used to weaponize weather and earthquakes to kill us, biological weapons to kill us, to traffic 800,000 US kids annually, bring Fentanyl in, poison us with chemtrails, finance lucrative wars, purchase their mansions, yachts, private planes, Satanic private parties with human sacrifice, pedophilia, cannibalism and all their other sick, vulgar shit.
We are literally paying them to kill us.
Chemtrail pilot patches: https://yt3.ggpht.com/a/AATXAJxVd7GvUbwjoJ0iojOmWKR3aU0jG4VMQ9jxnA=s900-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo
Chemtrails being laid down: https://avatars.dzeninfra.ru/get-zen_doc/100325/pub_632305f8dc6d6e7e45ef9ccb_632541a7ee40eb1fd768686b/scale_1200
Chemtrail skies: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/AtD3ywZyUWE/maxresdefault.jpg
And: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hSgi7QHAuAI/maxresdefault.jpg
And: https://chemtrailsnorthnz.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/yn3.jpg