83 If Vaccinations are so Vital and Effective, Why would big Pharma need to have such Huge Incentives for people to get them?? And with the dangerous side affects, why does Government Allow and Support it ?? These Questions need to be Addressed… And Heads need to Roll !!!🤨🤨😡 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 97 days ago by Oldpatriot 97 days ago by Oldpatriot +83 / -0 7 comments download share 7 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
So "safe and effective" that the FDA, NIH, FDA, Congress, and the House all exempted themselves from it.
They've been poisoning us and our children for ages, imagine how much potential, time out of peoples lives that has been lost because some of these vaccines that spike autism/adhd rates.