Dutch Therapist Toos Nijenhuis discusses being ritually sexually abused and tortured, beginning at 4 years old. Hunted by Royal Adults riding horses, with dogs, when she was about 8 years old.
Video - NNSFW, NSFL - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A1o1Egi20c (Hunting children starts at 11:00)
She mentions:
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, the man who set-up Bilderberg and the World Wildlife Fund. Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld was Prince of the Netherlands from 6 September 1948 to 30 April 1980 as the husband of Queen Juliana. They had four daughters together, including Beatrix, who was Queen of the Netherlands from 1980 to 2013.Image: https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/i?id=ee506653ca883af5490b7ade4a185dc3aa085c8a6f7a778c-12597404-images-thumbs&n=13
And: Catholic Cardinal Alfrink. Dr Bernardus Johannes Alfrink was born in 1900 in Nijkerk, the Netherlands. Appointed cardinal by Pope John XXIII in 1960, Alfrink was given a powerful leadership role in the Second Vatican Council. Image: https://images.findagrave.com/photos250/photos/2006/221/15211371_115525826141.jpg
Freemasons are mentioned also.
More sources:
Recent Post - 11/16/2024: Post: https://x.com/AmurakaHidden/status/1857876785419239722
Human Hunting - Posted on 2020, July, 26 by foxblog. Includes links and testimony from other child sex survivors:
- Cathy O'Brien - hunted by Dick Cheney
- Brice Taylor - hunted by George Bush Sr., Bob Hope. Owned by Hope and Kissinger.
- “Vicki” from Kent
- Jessie Czebotar, an illuminati whistleblower previously predestined to be the Queen Mother of Darkness
- David Shurter and Fiona Barnett - who was trafficked from Australia, were taken to the Bohemian Grove as children, and we have witnessed pedophiles hunt for children amongst the redwood forest.
Longer, full video of Toos Nijenhuis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyGPMgTdZX4&list=PLE-mhFoHlkdBVigEyeWhgwaTEczeu9aqu&index=2&t=21s
There is a Rofschild Castle in West Kent in the UK where these hunts allegedly took place, just south of Tonbridge.