*Wasserman Schultz: Gabbard ‘Likely a Russian Asset’
Apr 30, 2020 4:14:12 PM EDT Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4c23f8 No. 8975590
Media Keywords: graphic meme distressed flag us american coup d'etat barack obama loretta lynch james comey hillary clinton john podesta huma abidin susan rice aaron zebley valerie jarrett ben rhodes sally yates john brennam james clapper *debbie wasserman SCHULTZ evelyn farkas susan powers andrew weismann mary jacoby rod rosenstein dirty robert mueller andrew mccabe peter strzok lisa page bruce ohr nellie ohr jeannie rhee james baker Media Keywords Contributor(s): AstuteActual45 When this is finished a much bigger graphic will be needed. MUCH BIGGER! BIGGEST POLITICAL SCANDAL IN AMERICAN HISTORY. Q
Broward County (in her Congressional district) is known for corruption, and her fingerprints are all over it.
Why are they bringing in that washed-up disgraced haggard has-been anyway?? https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/07/the-fall-of-debbie-wasserman-schultz/493019/
Because they have sold their souls to Satan.