The ULTIMATE FU to the British Crown for American Civil War and the globalist CCP for COVID attack: British Columbia votes to join The Republic as 51st state.
Cabal is History

Just what we need, another liberal state. No thanks, I'll pass.
Probably not liberal after foreign agents and illegals deported, but you are smart to be wary.
Stay behind foreign agents in New York (Dutch agents of the British) and Louisiana (French agents of the British) wreaked havoc on the Republic for decades after joining. [Possibly also in the ‘Royal Colony’ of SC, initiator of first Civil War attempt in 1932 and Fort Sumter in 1861].
Appears to be early version of ‘Operation Gladio’ stay behind agent operation post WW2.
Vancouver especially is like any other US West Coast liberal stronghold. Most of the citizens are progressives. Conservatives tend to be more interior and rural, just like here in the States and those areas are less populated. That would give progressive areas with large population density the upper hand.
Great point. “Population center control” may not be as “real” as it appears. Definitely a REAL strategy, but likely implemented via artifice, fraud, and organized crime coercion as recorded historically for nearly 200 years now. Actual “liberal” or “Democrat” demographic is US is around 25% max even in most liberal states. The rest is an illusion.
The real challenge is stopping urban organized crime fuelled by illegal immigration, imo.