Yea just before cold and flu season ramps up. Now folks will be forced to get the jabb in order to fight the flu. Riiiiiggggghhhhhtttt. This decision needs to be met with swift fury and righteous push back.
Just for the record, this is the nasal spray mix that my Greek doctor prescribed for sinusitis, which followed my cold:-
1.0 "Aurid spray", (which seems to be budesonide).
0.5 Otrivin drops.
0.5 Tobramycin drops ( O - 3-amino-3-deoxy-?-D-9 glucopyronosyl-(1-6)-O-[2.6 diamino - 2,3,6 - trideoxy - A - D-ribo - hexopyranosyl - (1 - 4)] - 2 - deoxy - streptamine.)
This is mixed by a pharmacist in the ratios indicated. Shake before use.
Clears nasal passages within 10 minutes. Works great and, unlike "Sinex" it doesn't cause soreness.
For those who don't like drugs at all, simply use a salt water nasal spray. It helps a lot.
Yea just before cold and flu season ramps up. Now folks will be forced to get the jabb in order to fight the flu. Riiiiiggggghhhhhtttt. This decision needs to be met with swift fury and righteous push back.
Just for the record, this is the nasal spray mix that my Greek doctor prescribed for sinusitis, which followed my cold:-
1.0 "Aurid spray", (which seems to be budesonide).
0.5 Otrivin drops.
0.5 Tobramycin drops ( O - 3-amino-3-deoxy-?-D-9 glucopyronosyl-(1-6)-O-[2.6 diamino - 2,3,6 - trideoxy - A - D-ribo - hexopyranosyl - (1 - 4)] - 2 - deoxy - streptamine.) This is mixed by a pharmacist in the ratios indicated. Shake before use.
Clears nasal passages within 10 minutes. Works great and, unlike "Sinex" it doesn't cause soreness.
For those who don't like drugs at all, simply use a salt water nasal spray. It helps a lot.