25 Islamic/arabic/Iraqi "teacher" in Sweden, speaks the words between the lines and their true agenda. "We will leave to our home countries once we have destroyed Sweden". The globohomos counter moves to being destroyed is using their foot soldiers immigrants to destroy western countries in civil wars. (www.youtube.com) posted 94 days ago by svensq 94 days ago by svensq +25 / -0 7 comments share 7 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I don't know if that is what the media is generally doing. Typically in formerly white countries, they will only heavily televise mass shooters if the perpetrator is white.
They quickly move on when a perpetrator turns out to be another race.
See.. black people think it's the opposite. That the news media will show you constant footage of black thugs.
What it comes down to.
The Cabal wants to DESTORY your reputation in the eyes of OTHER groups of people.