The internet we were promised. We're sorry we've asked you a few times recently, but it's Monday, November 18, and this message will be up for only a bit. We're happy you consult Wikipedia often. If everyone reading this gave $2.75, we'd hit our goal in a few hours. If Wikipedia gives you $2.75 of knowledge, join the 2% who donate, whether it's $2.75 or $25."
Prickipedia, the online piss poor excuse for an encyclopedia, riddled with half truths, lies and bs, no longer editable by the common man but actual gatekeepers that push the empire's approved narrative, wants you to kick in a few bucks to assist in brainwashing yourself...
Warning: It's whining season again - PSA
Prickipedia, the online piss poor excuse for an encyclopedia, riddled with half truths, lies and bs, no longer editable by the common man but actual gatekeepers that push the empire's approved narrative, wants you to kick in a few bucks to assist in brainwashing yourself...
Will you answer the call, cupcake?