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Interesting. In the tropics, where there are no ticks found, people are reporting similar symptoms. Did some research on Powassan, and apparently, Powassan is also spread by mosquitoes. We all know that today's tick-borne diseases, and mosquito related-diseases, are almost always bioweapons.
I think it is safe to assume that this is one of the bioweapons being used right now. It is important to note, at least with the case of a mosquito, that there are filiarial diseases that can infect along with the initial infection of whatever diagnosed disease that will infect your bacteria and yeast in the host infected, causing immune issues long term that will eventually lead to complications and death.
Be sure to treat your patients for this phenomenon. I am unsure about ticks and filiarses, but I know that filiarses are found in all the bacteria of a mosquito. A nice course of fenben and ivermectin, olive leaf extract, foreign protein cleanse by Dr. Bryan Ardis/Dr. Ed Group with Global healing, cistus incanus tea, cryptolepsis, and goldenseal/echninacea/elderberry, along with nicotine patches, should do the trick to address the filiarses. If you have LifeWave patches, this could also assist your body to clear this all out nicely, and if you have any EMP-like devices, this could be beneficial as well. To clear your blood, echinacea and goldenseal works great, as does cryptolepsis, cistus incanus, and red clover tea. Yellow dock is also beneficial, but you cannot take too much at once. Liver health detox by Global Healing has a correct ratio for daily use; if you get yellow dock capsules from a supplier like Solaray, you can only take two capsules at a time weekly if you are generally healthy, so be wary about your yellow dock usage amounts.
To address any type of mRNA changes in your bacteria (think E. Coli) or in your candida (if present), please stick to a no-sugar diet/low carb diet, and take care to kill the E. Coli and candida through natural methods such as apple cider vinegar, barberry, cranberry supplements, colloidal silver, grapefruit seed extract, or a nice combo that Dr. Ardis made called Biodefense, which includes spearmint, peppermint, and black cumin seed oil.
A book I recommend everyone reads right now is called Moving Beyond the Covid-19 Lies: Restoring Health & Hope for Humanity by Dr. Bryan Ardis. I will not summarize it; just do yourself a favor and buy it. You will learn how to protect yourself from all the venoms/DNA plasmids/mRNA/foreign proteins found in our foods, water, air, body care products, and pharmaceuticals, as well as from shedding. Spoiler alert: nicotine is your friend. This is one of the best researched books I have ever read, with links to all the studies for your own verification and data digs. Wishing you all good health, especially to your recovering loved ones.