IMHO, Why would I harbor any ill will towards Russia (as a U.S. citizen?) The country is predominantly Christian and supports the nuclear family, things we here used to believe in. (I hope we return to it soon.) I don’t know a person around here that would wish harm to them. This could only be the work of outside forces other than our nation provoking conflict, driven by greed….the cabal.
IMHO, Why would I harbor any ill will towards Russia (as a U.S. citizen?) The country is predominantly Christian and supports the nuclear family, things we here used to believe in. (I hope we return to it soon.) I don’t know a person around here that would wish harm to them. This could only be the work of outside forces other than our nation provoking conflict, driven by greed….the cabal.
they are the good guys in this conflict, I believe.
...and fuck the ones that shall not be named? The blancophobic antigoyemitic bunch?