61 Checkmate, doomers (media.greatawakening.win) 🐴 SHITPOST 💩 posted 2 months ago by 15th_dimension 2 months ago by 15th_dimension +61 / -0 20 comments download share 20 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
That means nuclear war is not coming.
What we are seeing is all part of the show
They do hope it is comming.. They have no other way out now than instigating war. Sorry Cramer but there’s a ticket to Gitmo with your name on it.
I wish he would go an stick himself to a giant piece of flypaper and tape his mouth shut!!!!!!
Wonder would it would be like for the rest of us...Just sayin'!!!!!
I can't find that tweet :(
So I guess it's still on the table
I'm permanently banned from X, I create a new account and they shut it down almost immediately. So I can't even check