The report found that the 2023 active component rate is higher than in 2022. I'd like to reiterate the department's ongoing and unwavering commitment to taking care of our people.
Since his first day in office, the health, safety and well-being of our military community has been one of Secretary Austin's top priorities.
Just like all companies say after an accident. Safety is our highest priority.
Actions speak louder than words.
And the journalist (so called) make me sick.
Then all the so call reporters questions are on nothing that spox read out. Not one question on, " If well-being of military community is top priority, then what are suicides skyrocketing. Why are you laser focused to get out all the billions to Ukraine before Trump inauguration, while a record number of veterans are living on the street, while you funding the killing of millions of Ukrainian men with no hope of victory.
Fucking liars.
The report found that the 2023 active component rate is higher than in 2022. I'd like to reiterate the department's ongoing and unwavering commitment to taking care of our people.
Since his first day in office, the health, safety and well-being of our military community has been one of Secretary Austin's top priorities.
Just like all companies say after an accident. Safety is our highest priority.
Actions speak louder than words.
And the journalist (so called) make me sick.
Then all the so call reporters questions are on nothing that spox read out. Not one question on, " If well-being of military community is top priority, then what are suicides skyrocketing. Why are you laser focused to get out all the billions to Ukraine before Trump inauguration, while a record number of veterans are living on the street, while you funding the killing of millions of Ukrainian men with no hope of victory.