Each time, I became slack-jawed at the obvious, bald-faced lies he told; pretending to be FOR things he and the Dem party were strongly AGAINST and vice-versa.
The man's a psychopath who lies without the least compunction. Not unusual in politicians, but Jeffries is, imo, a more vivid example of the type. He should never be allowed in any position, government or otherwise, where he has control over actions or policy.
I've seen him speak a few times (on video).
Each time, I became slack-jawed at the obvious, bald-faced lies he told; pretending to be FOR things he and the Dem party were strongly AGAINST and vice-versa.
The man's a psychopath who lies without the least compunction. Not unusual in politicians, but Jeffries is, imo, a more vivid example of the type. He should never be allowed in any position, government or otherwise, where he has control over actions or policy.