Similar thing happened to me. My healthy cat became very ill immediately following his (one and only) rabies vaccine. He never fully recovered. Vets disputed that the vax was the culprit, but it was obvious. I later read in a holistic veterinary book that vaccines are the "bread and butter" for veterinarians and that they do indeed cause many, if not most, of the illnesses seen in animals today.
My dog went to the vet where they gave her 3 vaccines at the same time. She then got pancreatitis 5 times in 4 months.
I was absolutely furious at the vet and felt so bad for my dog. Never ever giving dogs or people vaccines ever again.
Similar thing happened to me. My healthy cat became very ill immediately following his (one and only) rabies vaccine. He never fully recovered. Vets disputed that the vax was the culprit, but it was obvious. I later read in a holistic veterinary book that vaccines are the "bread and butter" for veterinarians and that they do indeed cause many, if not most, of the illnesses seen in animals today.