180 Hah! Matt Gaetz grew up in the house from The Truman Show. (www.dailymail.co.uk) 🐸 NOW PLAYING 🍿 posted 93 days ago by MAGAhhh_igetit 93 days ago by MAGAhhh_igetit +180 / -0 Matt Gaetz's $2.7M childhood home played a starring role in hit movie Controversial Former Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz's grew up in the famous house that started in a 1998 hit movie. 34 comments share 34 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Matt’s father took out a $203K mortgage in 1993 for renovations.
He probably just did a refi type deal where he rolled his exisiting mortgage in with the money for renos.
But what I’m saying is that even though the original purchase price was $125K he put more money and consequently more value into the home.
I see. I get it. Thanks.