Can you believe part of my family in Portland OR and the other in Boston. I am the only in Midwest. Am I the only Brian_Dead that still not a decaying zombie out of the family?
WHATS IT GOING TO TAKE FOR THESE PEOPLE TO BELIEVE LIBERAL ideologies are evil.. oh a murder that hits home? Grandma beat, 4 yo raped?
Or life possessions gone?
Looking fotward to sex crime felons being marched from court straight to clinics that remove their testicles. If someone doesn't like that idea, just be glad it's not south of the border or they'd be forced to eat their own balls.
GRRRRRRRRRR are you kidding me. Well why in the great horn spoon did they pick them up in the first place, so they could reloacate them to a red state maybe?
Who ever released the rapist should be arrested as an accomplice in the rape of the child.
This is who Katie Hobbs want to protect, right?
Katie and the whole bunch of pedo governors.
Can you believe part of my family in Portland OR and the other in Boston. I am the only in Midwest. Am I the only Brian_Dead that still not a decaying zombie out of the family?
So your saying you're the only one that escaped the leftist vampire, and did not become an undead libtard?
LOL. Yes. How the hell did I get so lucky?
WHATS IT GOING TO TAKE FOR THESE PEOPLE TO BELIEVE LIBERAL ideologies are evil.. oh a murder that hits home? Grandma beat, 4 yo raped? Or life possessions gone?
Beyond evil.
Bring them to the govenors house!!
2nd that.
Illegal invaders that rape and murder must get the death sentence says the United States citizens
Brain-Dead agree.
Looking fotward to sex crime felons being marched from court straight to clinics that remove their testicles. If someone doesn't like that idea, just be glad it's not south of the border or they'd be forced to eat their own balls.
I would love to see the south of the border treatment.
Guess what they did after the arrests???
If you said released. You will be correct!
Dude, why couldn't you just tell us what they did after the arrest. I got to read all these articles to find out.
I read the articles and still can't figure it out. Did they just deport them?
Hell no. They released them.
GRRRRRRRRRR are you kidding me. Well why in the great horn spoon did they pick them up in the first place, so they could reloacate them to a red state maybe?
Good thought.