There was an interesting 4chan x thread written recently about the relationship between Operation Paperclip and the JFK assassination.
It appears to be an intelligence leak written in deliberately-obfuscated style for opsec. The narrator employs two voices. One of them is Kerry Wendell Thornley, a witness to the JFK assassination. The second voice is that of a frustrated and jaded leaker, who is dramatically impersonating Thornley.
I have removed the obfuscation and noted the key points of each voice. This required substantial edits, so I encourage you to read the original afterwards, in case you disagree with my interpretation, or just want to read the deleted parts.
I am not an expert on this subject. I simply noticed the incongruous quality of the writing compared to usual x fare, suggestive of a genuine leak.
Kerry Wendell Thornley's voice
I am a witness to the John Kennedy and Lee Oswald murders.
Despite my colorful character, my adversaries are far worse.
Although I was quoted in the Warren Report four times, the testimony I gave the commission omitted important information – because I was afraid of seeming paranoid, to myself and others. As Jim Garrison was to say four years later, I didn't tell the Warren Commission "the whole truth."
Had I comprehended the significance of some conversations just outside New Orleans with a man who was probably a C.I.A. agent in the three years prior to John Kennedy's murder I may have been able to furnish information that would have headed off Lyndon Johnson's escalation of the Vietnam War. Because if that individual spoke the truth, captured German rocket scientists in the U.S. had already become so powerful within the intelligence community that, a year before Kennedy's death, they were in a position to dictate American foreign policy. Said the strange man with whom I was conversing: "Kerry, I don't think we should invade Cuba, because the Cubans are mostly Spaniards who've never intermarried with the Indians – therefore they're white people, and it would be a shame to fight them. If we are going to make war on Communism, I think it should be against an Oriental race instead."
(Meaning, the Nazis from Operation Paperclip had already shifted US foreign policy in a pro-White direction.)
Tragically, I failed to attribute much weight to these conversations at the time they occurred – between 1961 and '63, inclusively: from about two weeks after the Bay of Pigs invasion until two weeks before the Kennedy murder. For this man I talked to seemed paranoid because he spoke of conspiracies and seemed ineffectual because he was always repeating himself; in addition, he was unconvincing because he was under cover and so much of what he said actually wasn't true. At the end of our talks about how to kill JFK I always wound up convinced he really wasn't serious about going through with such plans. In retrospect, I think he was using another man's name and talking about killing Kennedy with me in order to set that other individual up to be framed as an Oswald accomplice. (I was in the marines with Oswald and so anyone aware that Lee Oswald was going to be accused of the President's assassination could have been reasonably certain I would be interviewed by investigators afterwards.)
Leaker's voice
Distrust the agents of Geral Ford and Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger and Howard Hunt and Meyer Lansky.
Electro-chemical mind control is related. (to Oswald?)
Ask where the Urantia Foundation gets its money, and where the World Wide Church of God gets its power. (from CIA?)
The whole world is going to hell in a handbasket. The U.S. Constitution now serves a purely decorative purpose. Your whole nation is being enslaved by an elite technocracy of Neo-Nazis disguised as Bolsheviks.
You should unite to throw off the ruling class, your oppressors.
They have the Russian government working for them as a bunch of quasi-fascist scabs.
("Scabs" refers to how Russia and BRICS offer an alternative to the USA's financial, military and religious hegemony.)
They want to insert silicone chips into the bases of your skulls and thereby manipulate your behavior.
Distrust Gerald Ford and any retired member of the CIA Psychological and Political Warfare Unit.
As World War II drew to a close, a number of Nazis who who realized Hitler was never going to win formed a secret society that included Russian intelligence agencies they knew from the old Hitler-Stalin Pact days. Often called the Fire and the Wind, this organization became so powerful in post-war years that has determined both Russian and American foreign policy a number of times. In 1962 it prevailed upon President Kennedy's advisors to convince him to agree not to invade Cuba, using reasons to influence the President that gave no hint of the racism or preparation for genocide in Southeast Asia that was actually behind this shift in policy.
When John Kennedy made plans to meet personally with Fidel Castro it may very well have been when he signed his own death warrant, for with the data that the intelligence community was making foreign policy, and racist foreign policy at that, without presidential knowledge. For by this time many C.I.A. and F.B.I. agents had been recruited to the Fire and the Wind and John Kennedy's response to the Bay of Pigs invasion had already shown that he would not tolerate breaches of Executive power by the espionage apparatus.
(The last paragraph is unclear. Perhaps conversing with Castro would've indirectly compromised Fire and Wind by allowing two manipulated leaders to compare notes.)
I meant Kerry Windell Thorn and What he reposted. ( like the poster he copied was also not legit) Maybe I misunderstood. TBH that hot mess about Karma and vaguely Mysteriously important crap at the beginning totally made me lose the thread. Ugh. This is why I dread some of those discussions. They always have to have a monologue.