283 Pam Bondi nominated for AG (media.greatawakening.win) ⚒️ - J U S T I C E - ⚖️ posted 87 days ago by TheCountOfStGermaine 87 days ago by TheCountOfStGermaine +283 / -0 106 comments download share 106 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
This was the actual pick all along. This is why the fake news media is squawking even worse now....
Agree! Gaetz would not have folded so easily and Bondi would not have been chosen so quickly if this was not the play all along. I just don't know what the reason for the fakeout was.
Gaetz resigned house seat. Hopefully he's on deck for SC next opening. Thoughts?
He only gave up his seat for the 118 he was voted in for the 119 and will be able to take his seat.
It was such a good play. They faked out the rinos and dems so hard.