283 Pam Bondi nominated for AG (media.greatawakening.win) ⚒️ - J U S T I C E - ⚖️ posted 2 months ago by TheCountOfStGermaine 2 months ago by TheCountOfStGermaine +283 / -0 106 comments download share 106 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I did try simple searches and not surprisingly had no results. Maybe the way back machine if I can find some homework time. First move was to ask here.
Her confirmation hearings will be the proof of your pudding, or you eat your hat. I've gone through a lot of hats in the past.
The obvious question you beg is: Can you read plain English?
I have no hat to eat.
Eat that or go back to 4th grade for refreshers.
to huh: you want me to assume you have no hat to eat, then why mention it? lol