Right frens. Ive been mooching on X today and noticed that holy hell has broken loose in the Dungeons & Dragons community after Hasbro and WoTC have shit all over the memory of E Gary Gygax and the other creators of D&D on the 50th anniversary of the game. As a D&D enthusiast married to a D&D dungeon master and mom to 3 D&D gamer kids this really pissed me off. In the thread I noticed Elon had waded in with a tweet about it
This activated my almonds and got me thinking about Hasbro and WoTc who own the IP for D&D, and upon checking guess who owns the majority of Hasbro? Black Rock and Vanguard. This got my noggin joggin more and I remember the drops having the term “wizards and warlocks”. So I went back to the drops and found quite a few mention Wizards & Warlocks in the drops.
Drop 67 https://qagg.news/?read=67 References whereabouts of John & Tony Podesta. Also asks (in capital letters) WHERE IS BO and WHERE WAS BO YESTERDAY? BO has kinda dropped off the face of the earth since the election result. I do recall some gossip column chatter that he and big Mike had separated but wouldn’t be divorcing (keeping spousal privilege?) There were further questions about who is the head of TSA and how does TSA interact with HS (presumably Homeland Security?) The drop then goes on to ask questions about the single flight that was allowed out of the US in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 and who authorised it? IIRC it was GWB?
Drop 80 https://qagg.news/?read=80 We need to get organized. Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen. Let's start w/ Alice & Wonderland. Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland. Snow White. Wizards & Warlocks. Q
Drop 81 https://qagg.news/?read=81
Patriots don’t sleep.When big news drops please re-read entire graphic. This is so critical and why information is provided in a certain order and why some topics are continually emphasized more than others as those will be the recent happenings. This is the purpose of this new thread (re-organize). Snow White Wizards & Warlocks. Q
This drop also references Snow White (as does drop 80) which is in the news at the moment due to the woke reworking of the film by Disney which is heading for a bomb because the main actress is a lefty loon.
Drop 144 https://qagg.news/?read=144
40,000ft. v. necessary to understand [US]/SA/global events. Paint the picture. Decrease altitude (we will not fly that high again). Higher the altitude greater the [risk] of conspiracy ST. Many cannot/will not swallow. What is No Such Agency - Q group? Who has clearance to full picture? Important. SIS is good. +++Adm R+++ What agency is at war w/ Clowns In America? How does POTUS shift narrative? (New) Age of Enlightenment. 80% covert. 20% public. What has occurred over [th]e last several months? C-info leaks? Operations (think SA + ???)? CNN sale? What co’s rec large cash injections by Clowns In America (public)? Why??? Who does [i]t hurt? Who control[s] the MSM? Primary objective from beginning: POTUS discredit MSM. [W]hy is this relevant? How is information transmitted? How are people inform[e]d? Why was Sarah A. C. attacked (hack-attempt)? Why was Op[e]ration Mockingbird repeated? Why was Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream) repeated? Think social media platforms. Who are the Wizards & Warloc[k]s? What council do the Wizards & Warlocks control? Think Snowden (inside terms dropped). Alice & Wonderland – understood. Snow White – understood. Iron Eagle? Godfather III? Speed? Everything has meaning. Disney is a distraction. Senate & Congress = puppets (not all)(power shift). For [GOD & COUNTRY]. For HUMANITY. GERONIMO. Q
There are a number of letters in kill brackets on this drop and they read as [US] [risk] [th] [i] [s] [W] [e] [e] [k] [GOD & COUNTRY] Also what do frets think SA means? Could it be South Africa (I think Saudi Arabia is KSA?) If so UK Royals (Harry and William) have both visited South Africa fairly recently?
Drop 173
As well as referring to wizards & Warlocks it says Good will always defeat evil and No rigging/blackmail this time
Drop 435 https://qagg.news/?read=435
References Yellow Brick Road - got my attention as the film Wicked is being plastered all over the media right now which is part of the Oz stories. The film publicity is being spread on X because of the crazy hyper woke BS being spouted about it and also remarks on how ill the two main actresses look (they both look emaciated and sickly).
Drop 714
The drop starts with mess with the best die like the rest then it refers to [2] highly classified clown ops exposed It also mentions [44] remaining - does this refer to BO? It ends with Save the best for last and [P]
I’m now wondering if this D&D thing is hailing back to the drops. Given Elons now high profile association with GEOTUS it makes me wonder if his commenting on this is not entirely related to his gamer past and could be comms? The kill brackets on drop 44 make me wonder if stuff is now going down (given the massive escalation in hysteria in the media about Ukraine and the shit show that the UK government is now becoming. What do you guys think???
Nice, I started 1st edition, was great. 2nd edition I liked real well, we've stopped at 3.5 and stayed there, 4th edition never happened lol, 5th seems kinda meh imo. Don't care for the min/max stuff, it's not for my group. Either way, whatever edition you use, it's a great way to have fun with family and friends, these days we need a break from reality.