In the US we call it murder when one takes the life of another. Semantics about the stage of development are meaningless. It's not a woman using her body how she chooses. It's a woman paying another person to take the life of another human who has no choice in the matter, completely stripped of its bodily autonomy.
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This doesn't make sense to me. It isn't the abortionist that negates an abortion being bodily autonomy, its the presence of a while different person inside of her. Like, if a woman is pregnant and gets a tattoo the tattoo artist doesn't negate the woman's bodily autonomy to get one.
Conversely, a pregnant woman shant/doesn't have bodily autonomy to do heroin because they baby doesn't have freedom to not ingest it.
My point was there are two adults involved in the taking of a life under the guise of bodily autonomy. She isn't acting alone to do this within the confines of her body. She's pulling in another who must commit the act. When it's a human life acted upon, it's murder.