posted ago by konadog ago by konadog +54 / -0

Trump is currently meeting in His Mar A Lago Estate with World Leaders to effectively negotiate a Cease Fire and Impending Deal until his Inauguration. He Intends to announce this to the world upon its agreement. He wants Ukraine and Putin to directly agree. The Secretary of NATO is with him now in South Florida. HOWEVER, Knowledge of this has spawned the "Northern Group - Ukraine " to announce direct defiance of such ' Deal ' and have announced they are committed to the mission AGAINST RUSSIA REGARDLESS OF THE PEACE AGREEMENTS !

DESPITE witnessing the First Live active MERV technology that was just displayed. Mach 10 ballistic missile. Entered space, dropped six warheads from space at Mach 10. Unable to be intercepted by any country on earth. Can each be armed with 100 kiloton warhead. Thats stars falling from the sky, just like the Bible says.

This is insane folks !

Here is a to the minute breakdown from Alex Jones, a few hours ago :


Here is the "Northern Group" , you can see this is upon their formation, since none of us have heard anything about this alliance , UNTIL NOW.


Alternate News Story confirming Ukraine association :


Reference Material :
