Alot of Space discussion this week. First MERV Ballistic Missile launched into space and detonated on Ukraine. Elon Musk and his Mars Exploration. Niel Tyson Degrasse the fake AstroPhysicist talks shit in a very triggered fashion on Bill Maher. Space X New Space Ship Test Flight.
So a few tidbits.
The space treaty says weapons a no no, especially with the moon in mind. Nobody can own it despite the USA staked a flag on it.
Musk wants to go to mars, WITHOUT VENTURE CAPITAL, definately triggered Niel Tyson on the show. Side note BIll Gates is manufacturing Carbon Dioxide "Suckers" that capture our air and compress the caron dioxide into a dense liquid. This has been surmised could be used to "Terra Form Mars" and has pulled Elon into the Government 'Tool' debate.
Just a start on the space treaty because back when it was signed the current form of Russia did not exist. So are they exempt ?
Fun stuff to unpack, because I am still in shock from the MERV weapon display while the MSM blacks it out. Football is a more popular hashtag on X.
Without delay, the Outer Space Treaty !
Wrong book. The Loonies aimed at places easier to evacuate and warned in time to do that, at least for their first drops during the war for Lunar independence. :)
I know. My grok must off. ;-)