RFK Jr. is going to open up psychedelics as a medical option, I believe this is his intention for depression, PTSD, etc.
We know the deep state has kept it illegal for some reason, probably $$.
For veterans who have treated their PTSD, I've read and listened to incredible results.
Ibogaine has shown great promise for vets, as well as mushrooms, and other psychedelics. Ibogaine is being used in Mexico and Canada for addiction, PTSD for vets and people, and addiction in general.
I keep hearing from Christians that psychedelics is opening yourself up to the spiritual realm and that it is absolutely forbidden by God.
To our bible scholars and strong Christians here, is this true?
This issue is very confusing to me because I believe God made these plants and natural medicines, it's HOW we use them that matters. If it can help so many people, and God made it, isn't it legal to use if not being used in a demonic way?
Is this deception- Is this Satan trying to open a door into us with a promise to "heal" our worries, mental health, and even physical health- but is really Pharmakeia aka "witchcraft"?
Should Christians be open to using psychedelics to heal from trauma, addiction, PTSD, and depression?
Scripture references would be great if you have them, but would love to hear your opinions on it.
I'll give my two cents as a God loving, but non-religious patriot on a overlapping subject; Cannabis and The Bible... I notice that on the first page, it basically says God made all plants and animals for our benefit and saw that it was Good. It doesn't seem to mention fungi, but we can assume they may have considered a mushroom a "plant." Did God make a mistake when he created Cannabis? Of course not. I presume the same can be said of mushrooms and toads.
This. All the plants are for our benefit and use. Using them wisely is another question - don't abuse the "privilege"!