If you think you’re going to hide behind a $20 carbon monoxide (battery operated at Lowes First Alert Battery-operated Carbon Monoxide Detector (2-Pack)) detector as an excuse for evicting a family (possibly with children) living in a wind-proof temporary structure and condemning them to the outdoors, or in a tent (with potentially the same hazards), in inclement weather, after they have sustained devastating and life-changing hurricane circumstances, well let me help you figure this out.
You have emergency powers, or perhaps just a simple variance solution, under the circumstances (maybe lacking a gas appliance) to allow habitation in these structures. Do you not think the elements of winter weather pose their own life-safety and health issues?
In addition, I would anticipate you have an emergency budget to accommodate the $20 per carbon monoxide detector and perhaps another $26 First Alert 1-A-10-B-C Residential Rechargeable Fire Extinguisher per fire extinguisher (per structure) so these folks could function with a gas appliance (according to manufacturer specifications as to combustion air) …. Safely.
The failure to fund a $20-$46 one-time expense for this (these) life saving device(s) under your emergency budget will speak volumes. (EMPHASIS ADDED) Keep in mind this expense improves the lives of potentially several family members. What’d be even better is if you provided, in addition, some blankets, sleeping bags, games, kitchen supplies, toiletries and food. Couple hundred bucks per structure. What would you desire under the circumstances in this sort of thing??
I appreciate, in advance, your most expedient common sense approach to solving this problem... which is very short, tick tock.
I look forward to your rapid response. If you fail to accommodate emergency expenditure of $50-$200, LET ME KNOW, we will get the community to do what you fail to do… quickly, and VERY VOCALLY without you.
Okay, I'm doxing myself:
Mitchell County,
If you think you’re going to hide behind a $20 carbon monoxide (battery operated at Lowes First Alert Battery-operated Carbon Monoxide Detector (2-Pack)) detector as an excuse for evicting a family (possibly with children) living in a wind-proof temporary structure and condemning them to the outdoors, or in a tent (with potentially the same hazards), in inclement weather, after they have sustained devastating and life-changing hurricane circumstances, well let me help you figure this out.
You have emergency powers, or perhaps just a simple variance solution, under the circumstances (maybe lacking a gas appliance) to allow habitation in these structures. Do you not think the elements of winter weather pose their own life-safety and health issues?
In addition, I would anticipate you have an emergency budget to accommodate the $20 per carbon monoxide detector and perhaps another $26 First Alert 1-A-10-B-C Residential Rechargeable Fire Extinguisher per fire extinguisher (per structure) so these folks could function with a gas appliance (according to manufacturer specifications as to combustion air) …. Safely.
The failure to fund a $20-$46 one-time expense for this (these) life saving device(s) under your emergency budget will speak volumes. (EMPHASIS ADDED) Keep in mind this expense improves the lives of potentially several family members. What’d be even better is if you provided, in addition, some blankets, sleeping bags, games, kitchen supplies, toiletries and food. Couple hundred bucks per structure. What would you desire under the circumstances in this sort of thing??
I appreciate, in advance, your most expedient common sense approach to solving this problem... which is very short, tick tock.
I look forward to your rapid response. If you fail to accommodate emergency expenditure of $50-$200, LET ME KNOW, we will get the community to do what you fail to do… quickly, and VERY VOCALLY without you.
email addresses sent:
"[email protected]" [email protected]; "[email protected]" [email protected]; "[email protected]" [email protected]; "[email protected]" [email protected]; "[email protected]" [email protected]; "[email protected]" [email protected]