In the event of a global DNS outage, accessing websites becomes challenging, but it's possible to visit sites if you know their IP addresses by entering them directly into your browser. However, this method has limitations; websites often use dynamic IP addresses that can change, and accessing a site by IP might not work if it's behind a load balancer or CDN like Cloudflare, which X (formerly Twitter) uses. X's IP addresses have reportedly transitioned from to, but these can be subject to change. Additionally, accessing sites by IP might bypass security checks or lead to certificate issues, making this a temporary workaround rather than a comprehensive solution for internet browsing during DNS outages.
In the event of a DNS outage. How can we access GAW, TS and X?
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DNS caches locally for a while and even longer if it can't check for updates... however, even trying to copy off addresses and setting up matching hosts file entries to ensure you web request can get there its not enough for X or many other sites. They rely on third party sites and urls that you'll be firing up in frames you don't even know about. Or in X's case you've got advertising dns and other analytics that are required that have their own dns. Its a tough thing to get past in some cases.