You’re tired of hearing the facts over again? The Catholics gave you the Bible. Fact.
Protestants are missing books from the Bible, removed in the 15th century. Fact.
Protestants don’t have history beyond the early sects that broke off beginning with Luther & Calvin.
It’s amazing that Prots get so upset at this fundamental truths & spin their wheels trying to convince me they belong to the early church…umm no, you don’t.
You’re tired of hearing the facts over again? The Catholics gave you the Bible. Fact. Protestants are missing books from the Bible, removed in the 15th century. Fact.
Protestants don’t have history beyond the early sects that broke off beginning with Luther & Calvin. It’s amazing that Prots get so upset at this fundamental truths & spin their wheels trying to convince me they belong to the early church…umm no, you don’t.
You continue dodging and avoiding my points and questions so I think I'll leave it where it's at. The audience can decide
I'd like to know what "her" is. Hm?
Yup, I hope people see through the protestant lies & return home to the true church. There is no salvation outside of her.✌️