I do use Telegram so I was able to read the post. I honestly doubt this is authentically Julian Assange though because it is a long stream of screwy stuff about the "Earth Alliance" and Jesus's bloodline. The Trudeau post itself is a series of assertions with no evidence at all. Oh yeah and Starlink will send an important message to every phone on the planet on November 29 and 30.
Assange is a serious journalist and this junk is not his style at all.
I do use Telegram so I was able to read the post. I honestly doubt this is authentically Julian Assange though because it is a long stream of screwy stuff about the "Earth Alliance" and Jesus's bloodline. The Trudeau post itself is a series of assertions with no evidence at all. Oh yeah and Starlink will send an important message to every phone on the planet on November 29 and 30.
Assange is a serious journalist and this junk is not his style at all.
100% correct