Ketogenic diets do the same as ozempic but you can eat as much as you want and the only side effect is you get rid of many ailments esp type two diabetes.
You got that right. Being in ketosis really makes your body hum. I do a yearly seasonal cycle. I love the meat and veg diet.
Jan - April Aggressive 25g carbs/day
May-Aug 50g to 100g carbs/day - more active in the summer so more carbs allowed - not always in ketosis during this phase
Sep - Dec under 50g carbs/day
Ketogenic diets do the same as ozempic but you can eat as much as you want and the only side effect is you get rid of many ailments esp type two diabetes.
You got that right. Being in ketosis really makes your body hum. I do a yearly seasonal cycle. I love the meat and veg diet.
Jan - April Aggressive 25g carbs/day May-Aug 50g to 100g carbs/day - more active in the summer so more carbs allowed - not always in ketosis during this phase Sep - Dec under 50g carbs/day