Thank you, dear Brit lady. That brought a smile to my face. We welcome all patriots in all countries to share in our joy as we thank God for His grace once again.
As America goes, so does the world go - this time in a good direction. While we have loads of work in front of us here in the US, we're also looking very much forward to the cancer that has beset the world being eradicated in ALL countries across the globe. We'll continue celebrating wins for all WW patriots.
Thank you, dear Brit lady. That brought a smile to my face. We welcome all patriots in all countries to share in our joy as we thank God for His grace once again.
As America goes, so does the world go - this time in a good direction. While we have loads of work in front of us here in the US, we're also looking very much forward to the cancer that has beset the world being eradicated in ALL countries across the globe. We'll continue celebrating wins for all WW patriots.
Beautiful erudite beguiling hilarious true Lady.
Well said.
I agree, May your thanksgiving be full of light, laughter and love. All the USA, not just the patriots.