Petition to stop calling it "raw milk" and start calling it "pure milk". The powers that be labeled it "raw" to make it sound undesirable. It's their little word games they always do. "Reproductive health" is another example of their little word games. So I petition to call it Pure Milk, unless someone has a better name?
EDIT: And I don't think we can just call it "Milk" because the general population thinks of pasteurized milk. We need to relabel it so people immediately understand that this is true, unadulterated, "Pure Milk".
“Live" or “fresh" milk would be better. “Pasturized" is killing off any live organisms and “homogenized” is mixing and blending the different milk and milkfats from different cows into a non-separating blend. It also allows them to hide pus within the blended milk. No thanks.