Hello frens, I am hear to share some knowledge with the community. We have had many posts related to cancer and heart treatments that counter modern medical advice. I wanted to share my years of research and personal experiences in the hope that many of you can avoid having a costly surgery and other complications. The flush can be beneficial for anyone and many have performed it just to find out if they even have stones. Many were shocked by the results.
My experience, I had for 15+ years off and on pain inbetween the middle of my back. Usually, below the right shoulder, but it would radiate through the back and chest on bad flare ups. I didn't know what is was and assumed it was back problems. I had back issues due to a car accident and figured it was a result from that. Some of these flare ups were excruciating levels of pain.
No digestive issues at all, till one day I had prime rib for dinner. It was real bad. Up all night and brutal pain on my right ribcage. Pain was there for 3 days. Went to my doctor and had an ultrasound, no stones found. Sent to specialist and surgeon. Both said that my gallbladder likely wasn't functioning well and needed to be removed. I told them I wanted to wait and do some research.
After doing some research I found that when stones are not detected it means that you have sludge built up in your bile ducts. This sludge is a when your bile gets to thick and doesn't move very well, causing blockages.
The first remedy: After more research I found a supplement called TUDCA. It's a type of bile salt. When taken on an empty stomach, it will thin the bile in your body. This will help clear out sludge and get things moving again. After taking TUDCA for just one day, all of my symptoms were gone.
How to take: Take on an empty stomach when you first wake and do not eat anything for 4 hours. If you have a bad case of sludge buildup, you may experience bad abdominal pain. Mine felt like terrible gas pains that lasted for about 3 hours. Others have experienced no pain when taking it. Continue taking for 3-4 days to ensure everything is cleared out.
TUDCA can also be taken with food to help with digestion. For example, if you have a food that gives you digestive problems, you can take TUDCA after eating to help with breaking down the food. It's especially helpful after dinner so it can help prevent problems that could cause issues with your sleep quality. [I would recommended TUDCA be your first treatment option if you experience issues].
Dealing with stones: 5 years later, I had symptoms come back. TUDCA helped, but it became obvious that I had stones. Things were different this time, with new pains. Doing research showed they were likely stones. I began looking for remedies to remove stones.
I found the book, The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush, by Andreas Moritz. If you do a search on Amazon for the book you will see the thousands of reviews speak for themselves, it works. This flush will remove stones from your galbladder, liver, and kidneys.
I DO NOT agree with everything in this book. The author expands on a lot of things in terms of diet and health that are outside the scope of the flush. The only thing I agree with is the flush itself.
Required items:
- Malic Acid - pill form
- Epsom salt - 4 tablespoons dissolved in a total of three glasses of water (24oz)
- Extra virgin olive oil, cold-pressed
- 2 Fresh grapefruit
Prep: For the six days leading up to the flush, take malic acid pills twice a day, AM/PM. The malic acid softens the stones which will allow them to be flushed. (The book recommends drinking 32 oz of apple juice per day. I tried this and hated it. It's way too much sugar. I felt awful and it gave me bad headaches.)
Plan for the flush to take place on the weekend or when you are off work. You will be in the bathroom a lot for most of the day of the flush.
For the morning of the flush, take the malic acid and eat a light breakfast. For example, toast/fruit. Avoid protein and butter. Do not eat or drink anything (except water) after 1:30 p.m., otherwise you may have difficulties passing stones!
Flush Schedule:
- 6 pm: Add 4 tablespoons of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) to a total of 24 ounces (three 8-oz. glasses) of filtered water in a jar. This makes four 6-oz servings. Drink your first 6 oz serving now. (Epsom salt opens up the bile ducts and clears waste)
- 8 pm: Drink your second 6 oz serving of epsom salt.
- 9:45 pm: Squeeze juice from fresh grapefruits.You will need 3⁄4 glass of juice. Pour the juice and 1⁄2 glass of olive oil into the pint jar. Close the jar tightly and shake hard, about 20 times or until the solution is watery. Ideally, you should drink this mixture at 10:00 p.m., but if you feel you still need to visit the bathroom a few more times, you may delay this step for up to 10 minutes.
- 10 pm: Stand next to your bed (do not sit down) and drink the concoction, if possible, without interruption. Some people prefer to drink it through a large plastic straw. Drinking it while keeping the nostrils closed seems to work best. If necessary, use a little honey between sips, which helps the mixture go down more smoothly. Most people, though, have no problem drinking in one go. Do not take more than 5 minutes for this.
- Lie perfectly still for at least 20 minutes, and try not to speak! (You may feel like a pinball machine with stones moving in your body. This is normal.)
- Go to sleep. If you wake up in the middle of the night and need to use the bathroom, do so.
- 6-6:30 am: Wake up. Drink your third glass of epsom salts.
- 8-8:30: Drink your fourth and last glass of epsom salts.
- 10-10:30 am: You may drink freshly pressed fruit juice at this time. One half-hour later, you may eat one or two pieces of fresh fruit. One hour later you may eat regular (but light) food. By the evening or the next morning you should be back to normal and feel the first signs of improvement. Continue to eat light meals during the following 2-3 days.
People have reported flushing out hundreds of stones using this method. Sometimes it may take 2 or 3 flushes to see full results. If you read the book, it goes more in depth on the subject. I don't agree with the dietary restrictions of the flush and left that out. There are countless others who have done the flush and did not abide by the dietary restrictions, but had great results. It is too restrictive for one week in my opinion. The author recommends a colon cleanse, but I find this unneeded. If you research others experiences, many have opted to not do this and had no issues performing the flush.
During bowl movements you will see gallstones that are pea-green and float in the toilet because they contain bile compounds. Some may be white or brown, which are calcified gallstones.
Final thoughts, I think this is an excellent method to save your gallbladder and even if you are not experiencing issues, it can allievate other common problems. People have reported higher energy levels and overall well being improvement.
As a tip, you can take TUDCA the day before and the day of the flush to assist with thinning the bile so that things move better. Last tip, you can take malic acid pills to help relieve galbladder symptoms. This can help if you need to wait a couple weeks to find time to perform the flush.
Brands I used:
- Double Wood TUDCA (Amazon)
- Nature's Life Malic Acid Supplement 800 mg (Amazon)
- Equate Epsom Salt, Magnesium Sulfate, 64 oz (Walmart)
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. I'm just an anon who didn't want their gallbladder removed. It might be worth seeing your doctor to at least get an ultrasound to see if you have stones.
was just talking about this in another thread...about the words/spells we use...Q talked about curses and spells.
So be careful how you label yourself:)
you're a genius anon hanging out with frens on a Friday night!
You are Not a heavy drinker😎