What stops it getting subverted if we try a gold standard again? sure i'd trust a gold backed currency made by Trump's admin, but what secures it when he's gone? Bitcoin seems like the perfect solution, same finite supply like gold, completely out of the hands of government, and easy to transact like fiat, especially for online payments. (The main bitcoin has been compromised with slow and expensive transactions because their dev team, blockstream, is funded by mastercard. But other cryptos are fine.)
If you'd like some whitepills, there's good evidence with the covfefe decodes that Q created bitcoin.
Bitcoin, a tyrannical government, could simply ban and force their own version on you. Go ahead be a rebel and own it anyways. Can't make any legal transactions with it so it's all but useless. And when they get us on their digital currency, they have total control. They can make it infinitely, and decide its value on a whim.
But when they have to, by law, have enough precious metal to exchange for our currency, they can be held accountable for its value. They can't just print more. What prevents it being subverted again is the knowledge of what happens when it does, thanks to 110 years or so of living under it, and not allowing it to happen again, by never allowing the Fed to form again or anything like it.
One way to solve this- Backed Currency. Like we had before the Fed. No your silly bitcoins are not an alternative. At best they are a stock.
Why didn't the gold backed currency we had before the Fed last then?
Because we were subverted... Everyone who was opposing the Fed conveniently sank with the Titanic.
What stops it getting subverted if we try a gold standard again? sure i'd trust a gold backed currency made by Trump's admin, but what secures it when he's gone? Bitcoin seems like the perfect solution, same finite supply like gold, completely out of the hands of government, and easy to transact like fiat, especially for online payments. (The main bitcoin has been compromised with slow and expensive transactions because their dev team, blockstream, is funded by mastercard. But other cryptos are fine.)
If you'd like some whitepills, there's good evidence with the covfefe decodes that Q created bitcoin.
Bitcoin, a tyrannical government, could simply ban and force their own version on you. Go ahead be a rebel and own it anyways. Can't make any legal transactions with it so it's all but useless. And when they get us on their digital currency, they have total control. They can make it infinitely, and decide its value on a whim.
But when they have to, by law, have enough precious metal to exchange for our currency, they can be held accountable for its value. They can't just print more. What prevents it being subverted again is the knowledge of what happens when it does, thanks to 110 years or so of living under it, and not allowing it to happen again, by never allowing the Fed to form again or anything like it.