The liberal hivemind would have everyone believe only in the first part of this: judge not.
The "coexist" bumper stickers and the "no judgement" saying are examples of how the left has brainwashed the masses into tolerating unchristian values.
I'm not sure how you feel, but I think it is essential to judge others with the same standards we hold for ourselves as Christians. For if no judgement were to pass or even if some deviations from our defining principals is allowed, we see firsthand the breakdown of society which is presently happening.
The liberal hivemind would have everyone believe only in the first part of this: judge not.
The "coexist" bumper stickers and the "no judgement" saying are examples of how the left has brainwashed the masses into tolerating unchristian values.
I'm not sure how you feel, but I think it is essential to judge others with the same standards we hold for ourselves as Christians. For if no judgement were to pass or even if some deviations from our defining principals is allowed, we see firsthand the breakdown of society which is presently happening.