I learnt something about the lefty I chatted with...their moral compass was never righteous to begin with. They're defeatist who accepted the world is evil and they're powerless to do anything about it. They decided along time ago to succumb to the slavery and victim mentality implemented by demoncrats and no matter how much info you present them with, their only answer is "Shrugs.. we're just voting for whoever can give us more free things", "we can't stop evil, it's inherent on both sides.", or "but Trump... orange man bad".
They function and adapt well in a superficial society but secretly suffer from zombie soul-less depressed syndrome and tend to do self harm. For the older ones, one of their hobbies is visiting the doctor's office ironically.
I learnt something about the lefty I chatted with...their moral compass was never righteous to begin with. They're defeatist who accepted the world is evil and they're powerless to do anything about it. They decided along time ago to succumb to the slavery and victim mentality implemented by demoncrats and no matter how much info you present them with, their only answer is "Shrugs.. we're just voting for whoever can give us more free things", "we can't stop evil, it's inherent on both sides.", or "but Trump... orange man bad".
They function and adapt well in a superficial society but secretly suffer from zombie soul-less depressed syndrome and tend to do self harm. For the older ones, one of their hobbies is visiting the doctor's office ironically.