Apologies for the language Clif used on Trump. I am only half way through listening.
Summary 1st 15 minutes Clif covers how the federal reserve system is in trouble and Trump’s policy proposal of tariffs is not workable. At about 14:53 he starts talking about Trump and calls him … (the negative language). says 3 remedies to the federal reserve notes system will be offered.
powers that be will try a replacement Federal Reserve system at 18 min.
at 19 min. 48 sec. he repeats there will be 3 offers that will be detrimental to Trump administration
—he gets off track
at 22 minutes he sounds agitated himself.
at 26 min. 40 sec. Clif repeats what th3 second offer would be, a new Petrodollar based on “drill baby drill”
At 27 min. Clif introduces what system will be accepted, the “Zero Point Technology” or “0” solution.
at 29:10 he says we have 3 months, but maybe 5 to 7 months of trouble (except Russia which he explained at 28 min. is a more solid cohesive society immune from social problems).
6 at 30, 31 min. he gets into the “ZPT” zero point technology and mentions a UFO “sitting over Brooklyn today”
Clif says XRP will be useless because it is meant to replace the SWIFT system, and as banks go bankrupt, there will be no need for them, and thus no need for XRP.
Discussion: why would all banks go away? If major banks and even investment companies like Vanguard, Blackrock and Goldman Sachs get in trouble, don’t they get their assets taken for their role in supporting the evils of the world?
I'm glad he said Trump is stupid and XRP is useless in one sentence because I certainly would prefer not to share my XRP winnings with the Lefty Libtards. Let them put all their dough on meme coins... Let's talk again in a year.
Banks will go away from the complex web of derivatives linking them, creating a scenario where the failure of one can cascade through the system, toppling others in a domino effect.
+1 concise! Then if there is no immediate replacement system (I think Trump and White Hats are completely ready) cryptocurrencies could be used, but I don’t think they are make instant millionaires.
It could be regarding cryptocurrencies but I have my doubts. Historically, gold is the one to step into these types of transition points, but that usually proceeds hyperinflation, which will happen if the Central Banks will continue to bail out the banks in order to maintain their asset prices no matter the cost.
Apologies for the language Clif used on Trump. I am only half way through listening.
Summary 1st 15 minutes Clif covers how the federal reserve system is in trouble and Trump’s policy proposal of tariffs is not workable. At about 14:53 he starts talking about Trump and calls him … (the negative language). says 3 remedies to the federal reserve notes system will be offered.
Clif says XRP will be useless because it is meant to replace the SWIFT system, and as banks go bankrupt, there will be no need for them, and thus no need for XRP.
Discussion: why would all banks go away? If major banks and even investment companies like Vanguard, Blackrock and Goldman Sachs get in trouble, don’t they get their assets taken for their role in supporting the evils of the world?
I'm glad he said Trump is stupid and XRP is useless in one sentence because I certainly would prefer not to share my XRP winnings with the Lefty Libtards. Let them put all their dough on meme coins... Let's talk again in a year.
Banks will go away from the complex web of derivatives linking them, creating a scenario where the failure of one can cascade through the system, toppling others in a domino effect.
+1 concise! Then if there is no immediate replacement system (I think Trump and White Hats are completely ready) cryptocurrencies could be used, but I don’t think they are make instant millionaires.
It could be regarding cryptocurrencies but I have my doubts. Historically, gold is the one to step into these types of transition points, but that usually proceeds hyperinflation, which will happen if the Central Banks will continue to bail out the banks in order to maintain their asset prices no matter the cost.