The House COVID Committee has released its final report after a 2-year investigation.
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They need to be hung, from the top down. Been saying this for 4 years now and will continue. CEO's Doctors Nurses Staff anyone dancing on a fucking video.
Side note I was in a major hospital for a laceration during the height of covid and it was a GHOST TOWN. Absolutely nothing going on. They were lying to you, and the people working at these places were protecting the lie.
All were fooled in the beginning, some nurses I know knew things were stupid, and getting more stupid by the day and said so.
They were instantly shunned by administrators & doctors. And were eventually fired or left over not taking the jab. I wouldn't trust anyone in any of those hospitals to do the right thing, for their patients, their staff/coworkers/friends.
The ones I know worked in a 'not for profit' conglomerate regional-type-hospital which means state-run, just like public schools and they will kill you for a bonus check.