Hunter Biden Raped And Tortured Chinese Girls
From 2020, but the information is relevant now as Biden just gave Hunter immunity from prosecution and the CCP has leverage on the Bidens. A Chinese whistleblower reported that Biden was given virgin Chinese girls to rape, who would bleed as they were virgins. One girl is reported to be less than 10 years old. Videos of this are allegedly on Hunter's laptop.
The CCP has used this to control the Bidens.
I have heard about this before. In fact, I heard that he would rape them more than once causing more bleeding. Extreme duress for the girls, crying and screaming. I believe it was when Joe and Hunter were visiting China and making their deals. Only specific people have seen these videos. The FBI is in possession of the laptop. Giuliani turned over the laptop to the Delaware police, which might have been a bad idea since that's where Biden is from.
Johnson, Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee at that time had asked the FBI to confirm if these reports were true.
The FBI has refused to confirm or deny these allegations.
I believe I saw the information on something called "GTV" from China that was releasing photos of Hunter, drugs and sex with women. There are people who claim to have seen the video and are saying it's true. So "Fact Checkers" report these allegations to be "False" because they have not seen the video themselves. Fact checkers should have claimed it to be "unsubstantiated at this time".
Paul Pelosi Jr. 6/4/22- Paul Pelosi Jr. was photographed physically attacking a young girl “causing her to cry” while Paul got sexual satisfaction from it, an eyewitness has told National File. The girl is the daughter of Karena Feng, Paul Pelosi Junior’s ex-girlfriend who is now running for Congress in California’s Ninth Congressional District.
Nancy Pelosi’s Son, Paul Pelosi Jr. Accused Of Physical Assault of A 6-Year Old Before He Used CPS To Get The Girl Taken From Her Mother - 2022