Lately, in thinking of the broad landscape of the Democratic Party (wreckage, corruption, and misasma) and ludicrous proposals for AOC to be a Presidential candidate, the thought occurred to me that there is one Democrat who---whether he knows it or not---is poised to lead the Party out of its morass: John Fetterman. It's not clear that he has been co-opted by any vested interests, and his remarks have been increasingly reasonable and common sense. The Democrat Party could do (already has done) much worse than emulate John Fetterman. I don't think he has disgraced himself with terminal wokeism. It was the strangest thought I've had all year, the more so because it seemed to make sense as I thought on it.
Just do a mental "taste test." Pick any Democrat House member and compare him/her to Fetterman, and ask yourself, "Which one would I allow to remain?" Schiff? Swalwell? Nadler? Pelosi? Do you see what I mean?
which fetterman..... the msm has presented us with multiples of the infamous fetterman!
That's what you think. But having any kind of somatic brain problem alters behavior drastically. Anyone who has a stroke deserves immense credit for coming back from it.
Fetterman is long gone. Whoever that is who they show us now its not him... but TBH that makes it all the more likely he is a "character" they intend to use or else why go to all the effort of replacing him (more than once).
God forbid anyone in your family has a stroke, then. You would be ready to disown them, during and afterward.
Rethink your fantasy that Fetterman is unreal.
Have you compared the pics? There is no way they are all the same people.
I saw him before and I am seeing him now. I don't notice any difference. The greatest difference is if he rearranges his facial hair. My wife at home and my wife made up for an outing look different. Appearances are only that. Get over it.
The entire shape of his head, his ears, etc... all different. Think what you want though no point in arguing since I can't personally order a DNA test myself :P
I've been thinking a long time, and this is really not THE strangest thought.
Fetterman 2.0 ? Because the Fetterman that went into Walter Reed was 100% not the same Fetterman that came out. The first one needed a fucking speak and spell, and this one speaks perfect English.
It's called healing. When I checked into Tacoma General a dozen years ago, I was on a dying path to heart failure. When I came out, I hurt like hell but my heart was good for another 50 years. Imagine that. Injuries are not always permanent.
In this case, no. He was only in for a few weeks and all of a sudden he's healed? Come on. He didn't even look the same.
I was in only a few weeks for my open-heart surgery, and I probably didn't look the same afterward. I sure didn't feel the same. TSA X-rays can see the titanium wire holding me together. I even look different after a haircut.
You have a stroke---or recover from one---and find out how drastic the changes can be. (And I don't agree that "he didn't even look the same.")
I thought that Fetterman and NYC Mayor Adams might be poised to jump ship to MAGA but you may be right. It might be the only hope with RFK. Jr jumping ship. Maybe even Bernie!
I've been annoying my lefty friends by pointing out that the one democrat with clinically diagnosed brain-damage is the most sensible one.
I have to admit, I like his sense of humor.