Pat (Valuetainment) has 6.5 million subscribers. He has interviewed some of the most powerful people in the world and his explanation is clear, concise and thorough. He gets it!!! It’s a pity that many, many people worldwide just dismiss Russia as being a backward hole where the people live in 3rd world conditions and Putin is a tyrant!! How wrong they are!! Russia is a Democracy and the West have propagandised it. This is one country we need to be an ally with but sadly, I think that will never happen now. Putin doesn’t trust the West or the EU and UK.
BTW The very thing that happened/started in Ukraine/Russia some 16 years ago, is happening this very minute in GEORGIA - which incidentally has borders with Russia. See a pattern??
What is President Trump trying to do?? Is he trying to bring many things back which the American people have lost over successive governments! Freedom of Speech, equal justice under the law, remember the Biden’s rules for thee and not for me? President Trump will try to right the wrong that has been foisted on the American people since WW2. The difference is that President Putin is years ahead of President Trump. He’s dealt with the Oligarchs, the warmongers, those wishing to push DEI, transgenderism, graft within the government etc.
What should the first thing President Trump should do? I bet you cannot answer this. He needs to restore the family unit at the very centre of society. Once that is achieved, you will not find school boards attempting to remove the parents role to twist little ones minds. You will allow freedom of religion to be at the very centre of society because when the Constitution was formed, you had to be a Bible believing Founder. After family comes protection of America’s citizens. They need to feel safe within its borders, not wondering if you go out with family for a movie or a meal, that your life or that of your loved could be taken at any moment. Then comes things like medical. For Russian citizens it’s free via a state insurance program, like in Australia. If you serve in the Military and your service is coming to an end, not only can you retrain for a new occupation for free, but your children can too. Russia is a democracy. Why are hundreds of Western families flocking there? While the process is stringent- to protect Russian citizens - it’s been revamped to allow those wanting to become Russian citizens extra time to learn the language which is a prerequisite. This happened around 6 months ago when Putin passed a new law. . So do some research. Russia ceased being the Soviet Union some 30 years ago. There has been many struggles but Russia doesn’t need anything that the rest of the world has. It has become self sufficient something that all Western governments, especially America needs to do.
Far too few people are aware of this.
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