Mormon theology really seems to fit comfortably with Globalism, IMO.
Ultimately, they believe in a 1 world government (in their eschatology) based in the US and administered by the Mormon Church....therefore if Mittens IS in fact a Mormon True Believer, THAT would explain his obvious Globalist/RINO leanings.
Being a Mormon "True Believer" would explain why he always ends up pretending to be more Conservative than he actually governs and why he seems to always come down on the side of the Globalists and RINOs.
As a practicing member of the LDS church, I can't say that I've ever heard of the idea of "a one world government administered by Mormons" propagated by the teachings of the church. In fact, that sounds completely counter to what's actually taught and practiced - that is to say, it sounds completely counter to the teachings that are centered around service to others, family, and personal humility. As for Romney himself, he tends to be quite unpopular within the community.
Honestly, I would have to ask for the sources for your beliefs that come from actual church doctrine, because they sound pretty unfounded and libelous.
He is a Mormon. Most likely not going anywhere.
Not sure what his claim to be a Mormon has to do with anything...
Mormon theology really seems to fit comfortably with Globalism, IMO.
Ultimately, they believe in a 1 world government (in their eschatology) based in the US and administered by the Mormon Church....therefore if Mittens IS in fact a Mormon True Believer, THAT would explain his obvious Globalist/RINO leanings.
Being a Mormon "True Believer" would explain why he always ends up pretending to be more Conservative than he actually governs and why he seems to always come down on the side of the Globalists and RINOs.
As a practicing member of the LDS church, I can't say that I've ever heard of the idea of "a one world government administered by Mormons" propagated by the teachings of the church. In fact, that sounds completely counter to what's actually taught and practiced - that is to say, it sounds completely counter to the teachings that are centered around service to others, family, and personal humility. As for Romney himself, he tends to be quite unpopular within the community.
Honestly, I would have to ask for the sources for your beliefs that come from actual church doctrine, because they sound pretty unfounded and libelous.
What is Mormon eschatology, then? Enlighten me. Feel free to CORRECT me, rather than just to say "that's wrong".
Does the Mormon Church end up serving any role at all at the end?
Thanks for explaining to Seret.
Governor and Senator in 2 different States. He has no allegiances.
Maybe he won't be welcome back in his state of Utah.
What! Hu? Romney a RINO
He made his choices.. so any RINO’s who profess to be—Catholics, Muslim's, protestant, evangelical Christians, Buddha, RINO’s!!! & and so forth
You either love and respect our Country or you don’t… he doesn’t.. move along!
Was he ever a good person in Congress or you think he has always been a Rino?