Miller's speech is focused on the illegal immigration being shut off.
Everything in the world changing for me means shutting down all the cabal's mouth pieces, booting all their toadies out of Congress, and destroying their control of the unelected gatekeepers holding our government hostage in all their created bureaucracies under the federal government. It means the cleaning out their judges from our jewdicial system. It means stopping our money from being laundered by pretending to send it to every shithole in the world. It means ending the illegal income tax, replacing the Fed and central banking system with a US Treasury controlled money system, and putting the US Dollar back on the gold standard.
Miller's speech is focused on the illegal immigration being shut off.
Everything in the world changing for me means shutting down all the cabal's mouth pieces, booting all their toadies out of Congress, and destroying their control of the unelected gatekeepers holding our government hostage in all their created bureaucracies under the federal government. It means the cleaning out their judges from our jewdicial system. It means stopping our money from being laundered by pretending to send it to every shithole in the world. It means ending the illegal income tax, replacing the Fed and central banking system with a US Treasury controlled money system, and putting the US Dollar back on the gold standard.